UE4 navigation, interface, and browsers
1. Easy navigation shortcuts:- (hold down right-click) and W, A, S, D. (first person shooter control)
- (hold down left and right click).
- E = up
- Q = down
- (while holding right click down)
C = zoom in
Z = zoom out
(letting go of right click makes it normal again).
- (scroll mouse up and down) to increase speed of mouse.
- (hold Alt + Left click) to orbit.
- (hold Alt + Right click) to pan.
- Hold Shift + Drag (moves object + camera together)
- class blueprints allow objects that can be activated in game (opening and closing) and grouped to a type of object (doors).
2. Interface can be customized for ease of use, through the use of tabs docking windows to different parts of the interface.
3. Assets and objects are easy to import, locate in the interface contents browser and place into the unreal engine world.
4. compared to other programs unreal has many shortcuts to make development and designing for convenience and ease of use in terms of navigating, interface usage and browsing for objects and items.
5. manipulation of objects moving, scaling and rotating in the X,Y,Z axis are basic knowledge, with shortcuts these tools are good in development.
Independent Study
UE4 - Level designing1:) Simple to use option tool bar to snap, rotate, scale, pan etc. The snapping tool is very inconsistent when connecting to objects together to make it flush with each other, unlike other modelling programs.
2:) There is a 4 screen grid that is similar to other program which makes modelling more precise and accurate. Although it has some difficulties with too many lines and grid lines which makes it hard to see although you can changed the setting to fix these problems which takes time.
3:) There aren't much options in modelling where you can manipulate an object to its full extent, thus making modelling is time consuming.
4:) In terms of graphics and the engine is relatively fast compared to other gaming engines such as cryengine
5:) Once you get the hang of using unreal engine it has a lot of potential in creating something more spectacular
Site model to scale without adjacent building
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